Saturday, November 12, 2022 E400 Unbroken & Still Rising

Join ORRA The Informationalist and his guests Billy Izzy, Take 1, and Julian Barnes "Demon Slayer" for The NOA Podcast 400th episode. They will discus...

Thursday, November 10, 2022 Judgement 4 The Narcs

ORRA talks about the steady decline in the life of a narcissist and the struggle they have with trying to stay relevant in the lives of others. Subscr...

Wednesday, November 9, 2022 Health is the Wealth & the Worth

ORRA has special guest Julio Arse aka @alkalizedwarrior on Instagram. They discuss why overall health is so important in these times, the state of Cal...

Tuesday, November 8, 2022 We Tried 2 Warn You!

Let’s discuss the consequences of conformity and apathy… Shall we!Subscribe & Download at: https://networkofawareness.comBecome a supporter of this po...

Saturday, November 5, 2022 First Impression Sessions

Let's look into the behavior of a Narcissist when first getting to know them in the first 8 to 12 week period and how it sets the tone for you to be c...

Friday, November 4, 2022 Let Love Conquer Hate

ORRA and Take-1 discuss being cautious in who you choose to congregate and associate yourself with. The NOA Website: https://networkofawareness.comBec...

Thursday, November 3, 2022 Friendship

True Friendship is a rarity these days so if you have it cherish and respect it.Become a supporter of this podcast:

Wednesday, November 2, 2022 Intimate Introspection

Introspection and self-evaluation are paramount to one's spiritual growth. ORRA covers the new vaccines that are coming out for children with respirat...

Wednesday, November 2, 2022 The Curiosity of Life

ORRa interviews Jay Barone from The Curiosity Chamber Podcast about the Curiosity of Life and much more..

Tuesday, November 1, 2022 The Premeditated Back Stabber

Let's dive into the non-empathetic mind of the narcissist in relationships with a good men or women. The illusion behind the "Nice Girl and Guy Always...

Monday, October 31, 2022 Controlled Opposition

The controlled entity serves a role of mass deception, surveillance and/or political/social manipulation. In most cases the controlled party is portra...

Saturday, October 29, 2022 Music:: Spiritual vs Carnal

ORRA talks about the difference between music that inspires spiritually versus music that inspires carnally.Become a supporter of this podcast: https:...


on 1/6/2024

Excellent show my friend ! Admitting that you’re wrong is a difficult task for some. I’m definitely on that path of being on a journey to having a collective consciousness to gain understanding and wi...

view on Apple Podcasts
on 12/23/2023

This podcast has open my eyes to things that have been right in front of my face without being aware of it thank you

view on Apple Podcasts
on 7/20/2023

Appreciate the insight being brought here and the topics that have the light of awareness being shed onto them.

view on Apple Podcasts
on 6/27/2023

I had the pleasure of hopping on the show with Orra last Sunday and can say it was EASILY the most fun I’ve had on a podcast so far! Instead of it feeling like a direct Q&A interview like most hosts I...

view on Apple Podcasts
on 5/13/2023

This episode, and participating in it, was fire! Orra is a great interviewer and I really enjoyed our engaging and insightful conversation. This episode was fun but all the other episodes are just as ...

view on Apple Podcasts
on 4/29/2023

good insight on Narcs

view on Apple Podcasts
on 4/19/2023

The podcast is an important one for the times we’re living in. The host is willing to take on tough subjects. He treats his guests with respect and while there’s a structure to the conversation, he’s ...

view on Apple Podcasts
on 3/30/2023

Thank you so Much Orra for having me on the show. There are no coincidences in this world to be meeting. We are always being redirected to something better and I am blessed with the people I meet on m...

view on Apple Podcasts
on 3/29/2023

very insightful!

view on Apple Podcasts
on 3/28/2023

It was such a pleasure connecting with ORRA and being on the show. ORRA is professional, asks great questions and really connects to who you are as a speaker and the best part is he really cares about...

view on Apple Podcasts
on 3/28/2023

Orra is a great interviewer. He is insightful and his dedication to uncovering truth and offering it up comes across so well. The shows are a lot of fun to listen to.

view on Apple Podcasts
on 3/23/2023

I had a great time on the show! I felt comfortable to share my mind

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on 3/20/2023

Orra was such an exceptional host! I loved being on his podcast sharing wisdom and truths. Looking forward to more!

view on Apple Podcasts
on 3/10/2023

Great episode on grit and resiliency regarding the life of Jason Pike

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on 3/9/2023

ORRA has a great way of getting to the real essence of creativity in a very conversational manner.

view on Apple Podcasts
on 3/8/2023

Orra is a great host and has a powerful message to share with others through his podcast and conversations with his guests. By tuning in to what’s discussed, you will find yourself equipped to face li...

view on Apple Podcasts
on 3/7/2023

Orra is professional and consistent. He asks in-depth questions that brings out the best a guest has to offer.

view on Apple Podcasts
on 2/17/2023

You are the best!

view on Apple Podcasts
on 2/16/2023

I love this podcast!!! It’s great!

view on Apple Podcasts
on 2/16/2023


view on Apple Podcasts
on 2/16/2023

I love this podcast so much! I often listen to you guys.

view on Apple Podcasts
on 2/16/2023

Favorite podcast!

view on Apple Podcasts
on 2/15/2023

I love this Podcast! I look forward to it every day!

view on Apple Podcasts
on 2/15/2023

Best podcast ever

view on Apple Podcasts
on 2/15/2023

This is a must listen. Keep it up guys.

view on Apple Podcasts
on 2/15/2023

Love the distraction playlist...perfect thank you

view on Apple Podcasts
on 2/14/2023

I love everything about this show!

view on Apple Podcasts
on 2/14/2023

This podcast is great

view on Apple Podcasts
on 2/14/2023

I have been listening to this.

view on Apple Podcasts
on 2/14/2023

I love these guys. They are just so nice and consistent in a world that is crazy and upside down right now.

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